Thursday, March 9, 2017

6 ways to a fit body in time for summer

1. Stay  Hydrated

Drink as much  water as you can before you exercise & afterwards. Hydration isn't a pre workout shake or a protein shake. Although these things have their place in your diet. To be sure to be fully hydrated it should be water good ol' H2O. With a good amount of water in your system your muscles can perform better and prevent a whole lot of soreness. 

2. Warm-up

The warm up or pre-workout is crucial. It gets your blood flowing properly throughout your body which prepares your heart muscles and entire body for the work out. It allows your mind to get engaged and prepared for the work out.  I usually start with 100 jumping jacks 100 Knees ups & 100 to 200 push ups before I hit the weights.  Burpees are also a fantastic way to warm up.

3. Keep it interesting
Its good to mix up your work out routines. Any person who is serious about body building or just staying in shape knows that you don't want to become bored with your workouts. Its a great idea to throw in something new or carve out a schedule where throughout the week you're working on different things. Example: Monday can be shoulders arms and chest, Tuesday Legs Back and abs. Within those different days you can add new workouts try new things and have what is called muscle confusion, Which is a good thing. You never let your self or your muscles get so caught in a routine that you feel like you're not benefiting from exercising. There is this thing called the internet. If you're on this site you should know about it. There's vast amount of information and knowledge that can help you search new and exciting work out exercises and routines. 

4. Goals motivation

we must  set goals and have it in our minds to achieve them. Not only must we achieve them we must maintain them.  Its great to be bold but be realistic. Are you really going to look like Mr Universe in 2 to 3 months?  Probably not but if we actually change our eating habits and work out you'll be amazed at the results. The truth is your have to start & stick to your lifestyle change. Its not a diet or a passing fad. This must be your new lifestyle where perhaps once in a blue moon you resort back to your old life style and eat a pizza with everything on it and eat ice cream and drink a whole keg of beer. Then the next day you feel disgusting take that emotion and work out till you feel better, lol.

5. Exercise as a part of your daily routine

This is my philosophy because you wouldn't go to work without brushing your teeth or taking a shower right? Well most of us wont. So you can incorporate exercising into a normal daily routine. Remember that bad habits are replaced with good habits. All it takes is 20 to 30 days of doing something to the point it becomes a normal part of our lives. 

6. Healthy Eating

Make sure to  eat things that nature has provided for your body. Look around you, there are artificial flavorings this and processed food that.  In a bind maybe you can grab something from that  section but nourish your body with good natural foods after you exercise. Your body needs the right fuel to perform properly. Have small healthy snacks low in calories but high in vitamins and nutrients ( example  ALMONDS)  that will replenish your muscles. Avoid sugary or processed foods. Eat a snack with protein as muscles will grow and respond to vitamin packed , protein packed natural foods better.

Sunday, February 19, 2017



Are you a small business owner ?  Or Just want a huge following on Instagram to share your ideas? 
Tired of feeling like your message, Brand or customer base isn't growing fast enough?

Well I felt the same way & wanted to do something about it, so I started this group.


Simply email me at
include your Instagram handle link in your email. 
example:  @loveworksout_Martel_Hardy 

You can get your Instagram handle link by simply logging in to your Instagram account on a browser and copy & pasting your page in the email

Include a short statement about what you would like to accomplish.
example: I have a Tee shirt business I want to grow my customer base. 




This is a brand new group so as the group grows so will your followers. The goal is to develop a community of people who can network, share resources and help each other grow our businesses and reach.

Once you receive an email back from me that email will have a list of all the members so you can simply follow every one. An email blast will be sent out to all  members to follow you as well. 
 Re post the group MEME to your page and tag at least 5 of your followers ( or as many as you want) so they may join as well.  
To keep track of all your new followers I recommend getting the unfollowers app.

With this app we can keep each other honest. If any one is reported to be unfollowing. (Any one can email me to report a member unfollowing) They will be investigated & if found to be true expelled from the group and lose all the followers from the group.

The goal is to keep the positive energy and positive growth flowing so ( SORRY) 
But no explicit images or discriminatory post allowed in this group.

Monday, February 13, 2017


Its amazing when you find something in life you're really passionate about. Its even more amazing when you find two things and they fit so well together. 

In the gym when your see your abs start to become more defined and you see your biceps and pectorals get bigger in size we call that gains. The amazing thing is when you see your financial portfolio increase in size we call that gains as well.  The funny thing is I love both. So natural I have to incorporate the 2 to make one big happy party of fitness and money Gumbo.  


I’m really Bullish about this OTC Market stock $MSRT
  At $1.00 $MSRT
is a good way to get in on the ever growing
Medicinal and recreational use of Marijuana 

#follow  Loveworksout_Martel_Hardy  on  Instagram. 

There is nothing better than being able to help other people on their journey to reach their potential. 

At love works out we will continue to share information, experience and pursue success & greatness. Its in our best interest to see you Happy and motivate you to reach your goals.  The post above is an example of some of the tips and  Inspiration we post to help you achieve your success.  Its all about you recognizing your greatness & grabbing your destiny & molding your life to be what you want it to be. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

You're Fat its your fault but you can do something about it.

Its probably hard to actually admit to your self that your waist line being a little too wide is your fault. Its probably even harder to admit that you could have done something to prevent it from happening. DON'T beat your self up. There's hope.  Its true your eating habits and lack of exercise caused your current weight predicament. However the good news, wait NO! GREAT NEWS! is you have the power to change it. Do not beat your self up about being over weight. Do not dwell on how you ate all the wrong things and over indulged and skipped all those exercises you planned on doing. 

The way Forward!

Its very simple. Truly acknowledging that you control your weight is liberating. Its emancipating your self from the shackles that hold you back.  It doesn't matter what happened at A that lead to B. Its only important what you do at B to get to C.  Right here right now you can choose to be the person you already know you can be. The first step is submitting to the truth that I cant help you if you dont decide to help yourself. No one can change you but you. Its a voice deep in your mind that says I can do this. I want to do this & when that other voice tries to say you cant. TELL IT TO SHUT UP! Constant self affirmation and motivating yourself is how you win this. 

This can be your path


The easiest way is actually easy. At first I can say maybe you wont feel like its easy. But when you get into the habit of feeling good, Eating right and exercising. You will look good, feel Great and be healthier. 

Step 1
The awkward conversation with yourself.  Admitting to your self without self pity or self hate that your weight gain is your fault. Not beating yourself up about it but really understanding that what you created you can undo. You & only you can fix it.

Step 2
Diet  & exercise. Commit to 30 days of healthier eating habits and exercise. Cut out snacks for 2 weeks. No cookies, No Soda, No Chips, No Junk. No juices with high fructose sugar. 
Cut out Carbs!
No potatoes, No Bread, No Rice,  No pasta for the whole 30 days.
I know its hard but that conversation you will have with yourself will include telling yourself then and every morning , afternoon and night you can do this. YOU CAN DO THIS! 

After the 2 weeks, Give yourself 1 day a week to eat 1 or 2 snacks. BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF & DO NOT EXCEED this rule. Consider this day a reward for all your hard work & new dedication you making yourself healthy. 

Not hard at all. It actually simplifies your diet and makes it easier to prepare meals.
Simple! Any PROTEIN ( Meat that includes chicken, Beef, Turkey, Fish, eggs, etc..)Meat can be grilled, baked, broiled,rotisserie. Avoid fried.  Any Vegetable.
Half your plate should be Vegetables. steamed, boiled, grilled,
Breakfast can be Eggs, Avocado, Chicken, or A steak omelette with spinach.
Fruit can be eaten but DON'T FALL FOR THE TRAP! Fruit is high in sugar which can turn into fat. So an apple a day or an Orange or Banana is OK. DO NOT EAT A WHOLE container of fruit or a bunch of grapes or fruit cups. They contain too much sugar and are not helping you achieve your goal. keep yourself honest.
10 to 15 minutes a day 5 days a week.
I recommend  Sat, Sun, being in that rotation of days. 
Most people have weekends off. Giving yourself a healthy physical activity to do when you have more time is very helpful on this journey. If you can do more minutes do 20 or 25 but you honestly dont need more than that. SEE  for a great work out routine you can use.

You can do this. You can make the change. If youre reading this you already have changed because you made the choice to open your mind. After the 30 days you will feel better be healthier and you wont want to go back to the old habits.  
Subscribe share and help someone else walk a better path to fitness health and Love.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Long blogs make me sick

No excuses exercise advice.

If you're anything like me you hate long blogs.  Seriously you see something that catches your eyes. You think to your self cool, I can get some great info pertaining to something that interest me.  Oh the pain of reading paragraph after paragraph of mind numbing dribble that I call fillers. See I know that on the web blogs have to be a certain length or have certain words ( KEY WORDS) so that your website/blog will get noticed by search engines etc... blah blah blah , but seriously for the person who just wants to know how to change his own oil on his car its mind numbing & boring. What is written in 10 paragraphs spread over 3 pages could literally have been written in 1 or 2 on one page with like illustrations or video showing you the steps.

Anyway with that said Ill talk a little about my no excuses exercises that can be done in 10 to 15 minutes per day every day, or at least 4 to 5 days per week.

1) Jumping jacks
This easy to do  exercise can be a great way to add cardio & get the heart rate going. increase blood circulation and burn calories. 50 to 100 of these are great  for a work out.

2)push up
Very simple easy to do. I recommend for beginners see where you are physically. If you can only do 1 with this method do that 1 every day until you can do 2, then 3 & keeping going up. eventually you'll be able to do 10 & then 20 & you can add this into your routine. 25 to 50 push ups in addition to the jumping jacks.  Just remember to always push yourself to do that 1 more extra than you feel comfortable. challenge your self to see better results.
Perhaps you really need to build strength in your arms. No problem. its quite alright to start out doing push ups like the ones illustrated above. LADIES do not worry. It has been proven time and time again you will not be bulky or overly muscular like a man. But strength training and doing exercises like push ups can get rid of  saggy  flabby arms & are great for your overall health. 
Again start with what you can do, but don't forget to challenge yourself.

Very easy movement to help get a great overall body work out. This is great for the legs and gluteus maximus( butt ) Do how many as you can but I recommend 3 sets of at least 12 reps each set.
Once you feel comfortable and confident you can add weight. If you don't have dumb bells use a bag of apples, jug of water or Oranges. Just some extra weight to get more out of this exercise. Honestly not everybody has the disposable income to buy weights. However we all have to eat right?

These 3 simple exercises are easy for beginners or people who are just looking to get back into working out. They can be done in 10- 15 minutes in the morning or evening and you will feel accomplished and better.  You may have to alter your work out a little to fit into your schedule. Just remember you should get a nice sweat & feel your heart pumping. If you don't feel like you challenged yourself   then you should increase the reps ( how many times you do the movement) to feel that burn that comes with burning calories building muscle and feeling & looking great.   Please comment share and subscribe. 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Take the right steps towards happiness

Image may contain: outdoor
I saw this and immediately thought about how it parallels the way people can sometimes think about #goals. You see these are steps that literally lead to a brick wall. Think about that. People have goals and they either never take steps toward them or they take the wrong steps that lead no where. At we offer the tools to show how not to follow the wrong steps. The 1st step is a conversation with yourself. Understanding you need not do it alone. There is an immense reservoir of love and motivation in the most high.  #God #Universe 2ndly its this love and motivation that causes people like myself to want to help others. Together through that connection all things are possible. 3rd goals without plans and strategy are just dreams that never come to fruition. So each step must entail confidence intelligence and thoughtfulness. Whether its finding a soul mate, losing weight or gaining financial stability. Actions must be weighted researched and planned out. Again you have help not just spiritually but through people like myself who are willing to share my experiences and knowledge to help you succeed. Because when you succeed you feel good. And your #success makes me feel good.